Hi guys. Total Traktor/DJ noob here! I'm having trouble with the audio setup for my S2. There is NO SOUND from the laptop speakers, the headphones, AND the external speakers (which are connected to the S2 via red/white RCA cables). I've looked all over the internet and to no avail!
I also use a HP laptop with IDT audio drivers. However, I have downloaded ASIO4ALL.
I've upgraded everything I can, and have checked that the S2 is recognised by the laptop.
I have the gain and cue levels in the middle.
My audio settings are as follows:
Audio device -------- Traktor Kontrol S2
Sample rate --------- 44,100 Hz
Overall latency ------ 10.2 ms
Win Built-In ---------- ASIO4ALL (ASIO)
MIXING MODE -------- Internal
OUTPUT MONITOR ---- 3: Monitor left, 4: Monitor right
OUTPUT MASTER ------ 1: Master left, 2: Master right
Have I done anything wrong? Please help me out. Remember when you had DJ troubles in the beginning?
Thank you very much, Arthur.
Apr 12, 2013 This video shows how to set up a Numark Mixtrack Pro Controller to a laptop, speakers and an amp. Ideal beginner DJ's and for house party's! May 03, 2012 Hi guys. Total Traktor/DJ noob here! I'm having trouble with the audio setup for my S2. There is NO SOUND from the laptop speakers, the headphones, AND the external speakers (which are connected to the S2 via red/white RCA cables). I've looked all over the internet and to no avail! I also use a HP laptop with IDT audio drivers. C apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev. However, I have downloaded ASIO4ALL. Mar 23, 2016 TRAKTOR PRO 3.2: Harmonic Mixing with Chris Liebing Native Instruments - Duration: 9:46. Native Instruments 144,399 views. DJ Transitions - Different Types of DJ Transitions.